LOVING BIBLESWe know it can be super intimidating to get your first Bible. One of our favorite things we do at Hadassah's Hope is "love" Bibles.
During our regular time with the Lord, we keep a separate Bible nearby that we highlight and take notes in, point out truths about who God is, who we are in Him, and how to live as a child of God. After some time, the Bibles are prayed over and given to the women we serve. We pray this seemingly small gift, imprinted with love and hours of Bible study and prayer, will become more than just words on the page, but instead truth, freedom, and life abundant. We invite you to join us in loving Bibles for the dancers (or for a friend, child, or family member you have been praying for). We have included some resources on this page to help you dive in. We know you will love it as much as we do! |
Loved Bible Supplies
Any Bible will do! You don't have to get fancy or spend a lot of money to love a Bible. You can use any non-bleed pens and highlighters with post-it notes or paper and washi tape. If you are looking for some fun suggestions, below are some links to our favorite Bibles journaling supplies. Click on each image to view on Amazon (and don't forget to use smile.amazon.com if you purchase and select "Hadassah S Hope" as your charity to donate to).
The ESV Journaling Bible provides the perfect way for you to keep a journal of your spiritual life right inside the Bible that you read and study every day. With covers and formats that look like the finest journals, the Journaling Bible features 2-inch ruled margins for writing observations, reflections, prayers, praises, and journal entries. |
The ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Large Print features the same high-quality Bible paper and two-inch ruled margins as the original ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, but now with larger, 9.5-point type. This new edition is perfect for those seeking a large-print Bible with plenty of space for notes, prayers, reflections, or artwork. |
The Daily Grace Co has wonderful Bible studies and Bible journaling supplies. If you sign up for their newsletter, they often run specials where you can get Bible journaling pens and highlighter sets for $5. |
Christian Book online store sells a wide range of Bibles and journaling supplies. They are always running great deals on Bibles and Bible journaling supplies! |
The Loved Bible Project
Our dear friends at THE LOVED BIBLE PROJECT introduced us to the idea of loving Bibles. They have a ton of resources to love Bibles, including tips and a variety of guides to walk through. |